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ProSolvr Energy Blog & Root Cause Analysis Templates

Dive into Energy RCA Blog, your ultimate resource for root cause analysis (RCA) in the energy sector. Discover our comprehensive suite of RCA templates tailored specifically for energy-related challenges. Explore methodologies for incident investigations, equipment failures, and quality assurance with our intuitive tools. Elevate performance and reliability effortlessly with ProSolvr's visual root cause analysis. Uncover insights, optimize processes, and enhance operations with us as your trusted partner in RCA.

Radiation Leak RCA

Radiation Leak

Using a fishbone template, also known as an Ishikawa diagram...

Turbine Malfunction RCA

Turbine Malfunction RCA

A fishbone template can be highly effective for conducting root...

Cracking Furnace Failure RCA

Cracking Furnace Failure

A cracking furnace, also known as an ethylene furnace or pyrolysis furnace...

Ethylene Glycol leak

Ethylene Glycol Leak

The 2014 Ethylene Glycol leak at Haldia Petrochemicals is a significant...

Olefin-unit-leak RCA

Olefin Unit Leak

The Olefin Unit leak at Haldia Petrochemicals in 2011 was a significant...

Corrosion-Induced-Leak RCA

Corrosion Induced Leak

In 2015, Haldia Petrochemicals Limited experienced a significant incident...

Petrochemical spill RCA

Petrochemical Spill RCA

Haldia Petrochemicals Ltd experienced a significant petrochemical spill in 2017...

Power Supply Disruption in HPL RCA

Power Supply Disruption

When HPL faces inadequate power supply from their captive power plant...

Petrochemical spill RCA

Shutdowns In Production Lines RCA

Unexpected shutdowns or slowdowns in Haldia Petrochemicals' production lines...


Non-Compliance with Environmental Norms

Between 2008 and 2010, Haldia Petrochemicals Limited (HPL) was...

hooghly river pollution

Pollution of Hooghly River

Industrial pollution has been a significant concern in the Hooghly River...

gas leak

Gas Leak at HPL

In May 2009, a significant gas leak occurred at Haldia Petrochemicals...

fire at haldia petrochemicals

Fire at Haldia Petrochemicals

In September 2019, a significant fire broke out at the Haldia Petrochemicals...