Update problem in ProSolvr and see them as comments in Jira
Changes made to the ProSolvr problem fishbone linked to a Jira issue are automatically added as comments.
Rename some causes in the fishbone in ProSolvr problem: Here we have renamed Category 1 and two of its sub-causes.
Jira issue shows the operation details in comments
After renaming all the categories and their sub-causes one by one the fishbone takes the following shape. Two new causes are also added under the parent cause Methods and Environment respectively.
Add a Note to the cause Man power
Click on the ticket that shows your issue
Details of the note addition operation can be found in the associated Jira issue
Add an Attachment to a cause in the fishbone for the ProSolvr problem
Click on the ticket that shows your issue
The Attachment operation details are reflected in the Jira issue as comments, and the attached file will also be uploaded to the Jira issue:
Add and pin a Clue to a cause in the ProSolvr problem fishbone
Clue gets pinned to the cause Power Iterrupted cause in the Proslvr fishbone
Pin clue operation details also gets reflected in the associated Jira issue
Add an Action to a cause in the fishbone of ProSolvr problem
The Action details get added to the associated Jira issue
Set the Status of a cause in the fishbone of ProSolvr problem: Here the status of the sub-cause Power Interrupted is set to Maybe a cause
The Status setting operation details are reflected in the Jira issue as comments, and the latest snapshot is uploaded to the Jira issue. The branch with the parent - cause Power Interrupted turns orange.
Latest fishbone image of the issue in Jira after setting the Status.