Click on the cause to which you want to add a sub-cause.
Click + on the head of the fishbone.
Right click on the cause in the Cause Tree or Fishbone Diagram and choose New Sub Cause or New Sub Cause From Template.
Click on the cause in the Cause Tree or the Fishbone Diagram. The selected cause is highlighted in the Fishbone Diagram.
To rename a cause from the Cause Tree, double click on the cause. To rename a cause from the Fishbone Diagram, right click on the cause and choose Rename Cause from the coontext menu.
To delete a cause from the Cause Tree, select the cause and click on the delete icon (x) on top of Cause Tree.
To delete a cause from the Fishbone Diagram, right click on the cause and choose Delete Cause from context menu.
Click the priority star next to a cause in the Cause Tree or the Fishbone Diagram. The star is highlighted in yellow and the priority is set to Urgent.
Click the star again to reset the priority back to Normal.
Select a cause and click on the Attachments and Notes icon on top of the Cause Tree.
Right click on a cause in the Cause Tree or the Fishbone Diagram and choose Attachments and Notes from the context menu.
Select a cause and click on the Attachments and Notes icon in the Cause Details section.
Select a cause and click on the pin symbol next to the clue in the Clues list on the right of the screen. A light bulb is displayed for the pinned clue next to the cause in the Fishbone Diagram.
Click on the light bulb symbol next to the cause in the Fishbone Diagram. A list of pinned clues is displayed.
Click on the Unpin symbol next to a pinned clue in the list. The unpin puts the clue back to the Clues list to the right.
Click on the Unpin symbol next to a pinned clue in the Cause Details section to unpin the clue from a cause. The Unpin puts the clue back to the Clues list to the right.
Select a cause and click on the Head icon on top of the Cause Tree.
Right click on a cause in the Cause Tree or the Fishbone Diagram and choose Assigned To from the context menu.
Select a cause and click on the Assigned To icon in the Cause Details section.
Click on the down arrow next to Status in the Cause Details Section and choose a status from the context menu.
Select a cause and click on the Action icon (hand) on top of the Cause Tree.
Right click on a cause in the Cause Tree or the Fishbone Diagram and choose Actions from the context menu.
Select a cause and click on the Actions icon in the Cause Details section. Then click on the +ADD button to add an action.
You can check all of the pinned clues in the Cause Details section if you have three clues or less.
Click on the light bulb symbol next to the cause in the Fishbone Diagram. A list of pinned clues is displayed.
Click on the View All link in the pinned clues section in Cause Details if you have more than three clues. A pop-up displays the entire list of pinned clues.
The Fishbone Diagram displays three levels of causes, the Head, the first and second level sub-causes. If a sub-cause is added at the third level, the parent of that cause is made into a Nested Head.
This is done by the auto-nesting/un-nesting feature in the product.
Click on the folder icon next to a Nested Head to drill down to a Nested Fishbone.
Click on the folder icon with the up arrow next to a Nested Head to go back to the parent fishbone.
The Cause Tree is a hierarchical representation of the Fishbone Diagram.
Click on the Expand to Full Screen icon on top of the Cause Tree or the Fishbone Diagram. It is the right most icon in the set of icons.
Click on Exit full screen icon to get out of the full screen mode. It is the right most icon in the set of icons.
Click on the Fish icon on the top right-hand side of the fishbone diagram and click Download Snapshot.
Click on the cause which you want to be the Head of your template. Click on the Save this fishbone as template icon on the top right hand side of the Fishbone Diagram. This is the left-most icon in the set of icons. This exports the entire fishbone as a template.
Right click on the cause from Cause Tree or the Fishbone Diagram and choose Export as Template. This exports the entire sub-tree beneath the cause with the cause as the Head of the template.
Click on the Head of the main fishbone and refer to the section - How do I export part of the Fishbone as a template?.
Click on the cause under which you want to import a template. Right click on the cause and choose New Sub-cause from Template. A pop-up displays the entire list of templates that you can import.
Only the application owner has the privilege of selecting a default template for the application.
Choose Configure App then select Set Default Fishbone Template in the Configure System page.
You can then choose a component based fishbone, head-only fishbone or a user-defined template as the default.
The default in the product is always the 5 Whys Template Fishbone.
Click on the fish icon on the top right hand of the fishbone page and then select Browse Templates from the popup menu. In the list of templates, you have the options to edit or delete a template.
Right click on a cause and choose History. You can view the history for both the cause and the sub-causes under it.
Click on the fish icon on the top right hand of the fishbone page and then select browse template from the popup menu. Select the desired template either from System, Account or Community. Click on Apply in the template list.
Click on the fish icon on the top right hand of the fishbone page and then select Action Items Timeline from the popup menu. It displays consolidated timeline of the start and end of actions.
Click on Clock icon on the fishbone tail in the Fishbone Diagram. It displays all the operations performed on Fishbone in time sequence.